November 7th-11th Events
Nov. 7 – Internships in Germany and 3 Spanish-speaking Countries
Nov. 8 – Graduate internships with the UN
Nov. 11—3rd Annual Global Student Health Day (register now!)
Read on for further information!
Vistas Work Abroad Programs 2012 ~ Info Session
known as CDS and IAESTE)
Monday, November 7,
International Center, 603 E.
Madison, Room 9
opportunities worldwide for U.S. students majoring in technical fields; all
internships are paid; internships are 2-3 months in the summer (fall and
long-term internships are also available).
Application deadline: January 6, 2012
Foreign language
skill requirements vary by position.
Internships in Germany, Spain, Argentina and Chile 2012
programs open to U.S. students in all fields (note: international students can
only apply to the program in Germany); internships are 2-3 months; mostly paid
in Germany, unpaid in Spain, Argentina and Chile.
deadlines: Dec
1, 2011 (Germany) & Jan 15, 2012 (Spain, Argentina, Chile).
or Spanish language skills required.
Internship opportunities for students with U.S. or Canadian
citizenship to complete one- to three-month internships with German state
parliaments and ministries in spring, early summer, or fall 2011.
Application deadline: December 1, 2011, for early
summer 2012.
German language skills required.
scholarship Program in Germany; enables 75 young adults (US citizens or
permanent residents) with a high school diploma (18-24 years) to spend a year
in Germany (2 months intensive language training, 4 months of college
instruction and 5 months internship).
deadline: December 1, 2011.
German language skills required.
further information, please contact:
Wunderwald-Jensen, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, MLB 3416
Internships with the UN
Tuesday, November 8, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Hall, Annenberg Auditorium (1120)
Each summer graduate students from a wide range of UM
programs accept internships with UN agencies around the world. Hear from
a panel of former interns about the nature of their UN work and their tips for
identifying and securing UN internships.
Stojanovski (Master of Public Health – Epidemiology/Health
& Policy
Health Organization
Elliot Robson (Master of Public Policy)
- Asia Pacific Program of Educational Innovation for
Emilie Miller (Juris Doctor)
High Commissioner for Refugees
Minnema (Master of Public Policy)
Office on Drugs and Crime - International Narcotics Control Board, Office of the
now for the…
Annual Global Student Health Day
Nov. 11, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Rackham, 4th Floor
As the 3rd Annual Student
Global Health Day fast approaches, we would like to remind you to register
in advance.
The Symposium takes place
on Friday 11/11/11 on the 4th floor of Rackham from 10:00am–4:00pm. This is the largest event that the Center for Global
Health hosts each year, and we hope that the audience is full old friends and
We are very, very excited
about this year's topic "Health in Post-Conflict Settings" and
the program that the planning committee has created. We hope that your
schedule permits you to enjoy many of the day's events, and we encourage you to
forward this email on to others whom you think would be interested.
The morning panel includes
three outside speakers and Professor Jody Lori from the School of Nursing.
- Gilbert Burnham,
MD, PhD, Co-director of the Center for Refugee and Disaster
Response, John Hopkins University
- Joop de Jong, MD,
PhD, Director of Public Health & Research, Healthnet TPO; and
Professor, Vrije University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- Jocelyn Kelly,
MS, Director
of the Women in War Program, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, Harvard
- Jody Lori, PhD,
CNM, FACNM, Director, Office of Global Outreach and Director, WHO
Collaborating Center, School of Nursing, University of Michigan
Lunch Sessions
- Get
Involved with Student Orgs
- Ask the
Experts about UM travel and research resources
New this year is an oral
segment entitled “Global Gab: Short talks that will blow your mind,” loosely based on the format for TED conference
presentations. All abstract submitters went through an oral audition in
order to be selected for presentation.
- The seven
selected presenters include students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty
members from across the University.
- Presentations
will be diverse by topic and discipline and include (among others): The
relationship of birth defects in Iraq and exposure to global war
pollution; The impact of headaches among Native Indians in South America;
Research, education, and service in Post Coup Honduras; and Using microbes
to remove arsenic and other contaminants from drinking water.
The afternoon poster
session showcases the work of students from across campus who are engaged in
global health research.
- More than 10 schools/college
- Diverse
topics covering maternal & child health, global climate and the
environmental impact on health, social determinants of health, and
noncommunicable diseases (cancer, iron deficiency anemia, diabetes,
cardiovascular disease)
- Undergraduates,
masters, doctoral & professional students will be presenting their
- Two awards
will be given, one for scientific work and one by 'student vote'
Student Global Health Day is open to the public and is sponsored by the Center for
Global Health, the Center for the Education of Women, the Institute for
Research on Women and Gender, the MHIRT Program at the Center for Human Growth
& Development, and the Office of Global Outreach of the School of Nursing. Again, you are most welcome and encouraged to distribute
this email widely to University members you think may be interested. Feel
free to direct questions to James Stimpson (